For those of you who have savings in a bank and have an ATM, there are some tips to be safe with taking money at an ATM so that your money is not lost, taken by someone because the ATM PIN number is caught with the following tips.
First you have to choose the ATM place to take money, try the ATM at the bank office and first see if the ATM machine is suspicious or not. Try to change the PIN number often. Why do you have to have the ATM at the bank office because if there is a problem with your ATM card can immediately notify the security officer at the bank.
To change the PIN number, do not use the date or year of birth, it must be random and the PIN number should not be recorded on the cellphone. Furthermore, if you want to transfer to someone else that you haven't transferred, you try to transfer it over the phone, don't use an ATM.
Maybe that's all the information from me, hopefully it will be useful, so that you are safe using an ATM card so that your money is not stolen by other people, because in this modern era you must be vigilant, crimes because there is an opportunity to beware.