There are many ways to make money, especially in this day and age all online with an internet network, one of which is investing by having a website or blog, this investment can be considered a long-term investment or investment that can be passed on to posterity and will not lose. With a small capital can generate millions monthly and this investment can be done anywhere and anytime and by anyone can run this investment or business.
First you have to make a website first with a small capital or you can also create a free blog. If you want to create a website with an initial capital of around five hundreds of thousands, you can do that for one year, because if the website has to pay every year, it's different from a blog if the blog is free. forever don't pay per year, but if the blog is not so good it's not interesting.
Second, you must be diligent in posting on blogs or websites, to post your writings freely according to the website you create, meaning the website you create is about what, such as sports, automotive, news or other important writings that are useful for others. you post his writings every day one or more the more articles you post on the website, the better.
Third, to get money from your website or blog, you can register the website with Google Adsense or you can also look for advertisers on your website. If you are registered with Google Adsense, you must meet the requirements first, the requirements are easy and not complicated. google adsense. If for advertisers so that other people are interested in placing ads on your website, then the appearance of the website must be good, attractive and have lots of visitors and lots of writing on the website.
Maybe that's enough for long-term investment by having a website or blog to make money. Please try to practice, especially for those of you who initially started having a website or blog to make money, it could be for side work to increase income.